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Learn tarot with study buddies
$1 month: Tarot Basics: Card Meanings, Reversals, Court Cards, "Major" Arcana, and (some) Tarot History
How to look at Tarot cards: dispelling myths, getting rid of bad habits
Additional thoughts on "How to look at Tarot cards . . ."
Tarot History. Also Exercise 1, Exercise 1a
Additional thoughts on "Tarot History & Exercise 1, Exercise 1a"
More tarot history: The early days of modern tarot
"Minor" Arcana card meanings: The suit of Cups (A-10)
"Minor" Arcana card meanings: The suit of Coins (A-10)
(Audio) Private Study Group 1-a: Aces through 10s
(Audio) Private Study Group 1-b: Aces through 10s
Quickie Quiz!
"Minor" Arcana card meanings: The suit of Swords (A-10)
(7a) Understanding reversed cards—audio issues (sorry)
Court cards (also see our free course for more Court Card lessons)
Court cards and stuff
(Audio) Private Study Group 3-a: Court Cards
(Audio) Private Study Group 3-b: Court Cards
Extra extra lesson on court cards & reversals (from the old course)
"Major" Arcana (or "Trumps"), Part 1
(Audio) Private Study Group 4: Trumps Part 1
"Major" Arcana (or "Trumps"), Part 2
(Audio) Private Study Group 5: Trumps Part 2
Bonus Lesson: 3-hour DEEP LESSON on Trumps and a few extra goodies
Get in a study group (click here and get started now)
Working With the White Book — Hands-on time with your Tarot cards
(1) Basic Exercises (part 1): Get to know your cards and how they work with each other (and sometimes don't!)
(2) [Bonus Lesson] Basic Exercises (1 of 2): This is an extra lesson that covers much of the same information
Basic & Advanced Exercises From the White Book
(3) Basic Exercises (part 2): Here we go a little deeper into the White Book
(4) [Bonus Lesson] Basic Exercises (2 of 2): This is an extra lesson to help cement all of this (worth checking out)
Introduction to Tarot Spreads — Step-by-step guides & lessons, learned over 40 years of reading cards
(5) Introduction to spreads: Basic procedures you need to know for every reading
(6) [Bonus Lesson] Spreads 101: Step-by-step instructions on what goes into a successful reading
Introduction to "small spreads" and why they are important
(7) Small spreads: What they are; how and when to use them to get the best answers
Real spreads: How and why Fixed-Position spreads are your best friends in the tarot
(8) Fixed-Position spreads and Celtic Cross basics
(9) [Bonus Lesson] Celtic Cross (and practice!)
MORE Celtic Cross (this is by far the most useful spread in your toolbox)
(10) Celtic Cross practice and speed spreads
EVEN MORE Celtic Cross (you need to master this spread so we can get to the advanced stuff)
(11) [Bonus Lesson] Real-life Celtic Cross spread practice
(12) The **essence** of "card positions" and building spreads (Sneak Peek)
Introduction to the Roundabout Spread (Best Manifestation Spread—EVER)
(13) Roundabout spread basics - theory and practice
(14) [Bonus Lesson] Roundabout spread basics
(15) RA spread prison break: HOW will the cops nab the bad guys?
* * * WATCH THIS FREE LESSON * * * (Real student doing a LIVE Roundabout Spread)
(16) FREE PREVIEW LESSON: Watch a real student do a Roundabout spread in real time
Section 2: Module 3: — Working With the Black Book — Advanced Tarot Secrets
(17) First look at ATS exercises and some important general lessons
(18) [Bonus Lesson] The first of the ATS exercises
More tarot exercises from Advanced Tarot Secrets (not taught anywhere else)
(19) Another look at ATS exercises and more important general lessons
(20) [Bonus Lesson] ATS exercises: Call your card, Card at the end of the day, Compare and Contrast, Art versus Art
EVEN MORE exclusive tarot exercises from Advanced Tarot Secrets
(21) More ATS exercises NVA + CIS & CIP
(22) [Bonus Lesson] Card in Position - RA spread
STILL MORE exclusive tarot exercises from Advanced Tarot Secrets
(23) Cards in scenarios, card in position, quickie overview on Diana’s exercise, then first game: Friends and Enemies (with variations)
Exclusive tarot GAMES from Advanced Tarot Secrets (makes mastering the tarot fun)
(23a) [Bonus lesson] New games! Friends and enemies (and all of its known variations :-) and a few others.
MORE Exclusive tarot GAMES from Advanced Tarot Secrets
(23b) [Bonus Lesson] ATS exercises: Three new games today – super long episode as we did LOTS of practice to show you how it’s done in real life.
EVEN MORE Exclusive tarot GAMES from Advanced Tarot Secrets
(24) Last four ATS games
(Audio 15) Private Study Group 15: Games!
(Audio 16) Private Study Group 16: Review and Singing!
Module 4: — Advanced Spread Techniques — ASB (part 1)
(25) Intro to Advanced Spread Basics
(Audio 17) Private Study Group 17: Advance Spread Basics
Advanced Spread Basics (part 2)
(26) Advanced Spread Basics – part 2
Advanced Spread Basics (part 3)
(27) Last of the ASB’s. Practice dealing CC spreads face down: pay close attention
Advanced Spread Basics (part 4)
(28) [Bonus Lesson] Advanced Spread Basics (part one)
Advanced Spread Basics (part 5)
(29) [Bonus Lesson] Advanced Spread Basics (part two)
(Audio 18) Private Study Group 18: Cards Face Down and Games
Pre-spreads & Pre-spreadwork (the foundation of the most advanced tarot techniques)
(30) Pre-spreads and pre-spreadwork (**super important lesson**)
(Audio 19) Private Study Group 19: Prespread Work
EXCLUSIVE: Pre-spread Mental Walkthrough (taught nowhere else in the world)
(31) Pre-spread mental walkthrough
(Audio 20) Private Study Group 20: Prespread Mental Walkthrough
How to VERIFY A SPREAD—for accuracy, so you are NEVER wrong
(32) Extensive look at modifying and verifying spreads
Advanced Spread Techniques (part 4)
(33) [Bonus Lesson] Advanced Spread Techniques (part 1)
Patterns in tarot spreads & spread verification
(34) This week’s lesson is all about how to spot patterns in spreads
(35) [Bonus Lesson] Spread verification and patterns
EXCLUSIVE: Hidden spreads within larger spreads (not taught anywhere else in the world)
(36) [Bonus Lesson] Hidden spreads
(Audio 21) Private Study Group 22: Harry Potter and the Hidden Spreads
Hidden spreads & Overview of 4 pass technique
(37) HIDDEN SPREADS!! Also four pass reading technique
Four-pass reading technique examined in-depth
(38) [Bonus Lesson]Four pass reading technique (continued)
Advanced Spread Techniques: practice week
(Audio 22) Private Study Group 23: Practice Spread from Beginning to End
Building spreads versus casting them
(39) Building spreads
(Audio 23) Private Study Group 24: Building Spreads and Hybrid Spreads
Section 3: Module 5: — What you can do in real life with all of these skills — How to read the distant past, future, or remote locations (DO NOT call it SPYING)
(40) Distant past / future / location reading techniques
[Bonus Lesson] Distant past reading using the CC
(Audio 24) Private Study Group 25: Distant Past Reading
Advanced dowsing techniques using tarot cards
(41) Dowsing techniques
* * * FREE LESSON * * * Watch us do it: Crime solving in real time
(42) FREE PREVIEW LESSON: Dowsing for fugitives!
(Audio 25) Private Study Group 26: Dowsing
Section 4: Module 6: Tarot Manifestation (EXCLUSIVE: This is not taught nowhere else in the world)
(43) Manifestations basics: WATCH THIS before proceeding any further
Tarot Manifestation: practice week — It's your turn to manifest something
(Audio 26) Private Study Group 27: Manifestation Basics
Tarot Manifestation 101 + practice
(44) TM101: Short, sharp, shove
(45) [Bonus Lesson] Manifestation practice 1 (“If I may begin at the beginning . . .”)
(Audio 27) Private Study Group 28: TM 101
Tarot Manifestation 1a: "I want it right now!" techniques
(46) TM101a – from start to finish – working with Leslie to manifest a rare pair of red boots in real time!
Tarot Manifestation (review & bonus lesson)
(47) [Bonus Lesson] TM101 and 101a
(Audio 28) Private Study Group 29: TM 101a
* * * 4 hour video instruction * * * Tarot Manifestation 102: Bending reality to your will
(48) TM102 (with new CC spread!) WARNING: FOUR HOURS! (Yeah, I promised I would teach you exactly HOW to do all of this stuff in great detail). Also, you really need to watch this lesson a few times and see the processes involved.
Tarot Manifestation using the Celtic Cross
(49) [Bonus Lesson] Tarot Manifestation 102 (using trad. CC)
Tarot Manifestation using the RA spread
(50) TM102 (with RA spread). We use the spread from the ATS book as a guide.
Tarot Manifestation & astrological secrets of the RA spread (for maximum results—part 1)
(51) TM102 Astrological secrets
Tarot Manifestation & astrological secrets of the RA spread (for maximum results—part 2)
(52) [Bonus Lesson] Roundabout spread super secrets
Tarot Manifestation & astrological secrets of the RA spread * * * with a REAL CLIENT * * *
(53) [Bonus Lesson] Tarot Manifestation 102(RA spread with real client)
Tarot Manifestation for your clients (seriously advanced techniques)
(54) TM103 (hard!)
Fix this video link :-p
(55) Just the Basics: Private student lesson: How to Manifest
Module 7: — More super-advanced techniques YOU can do with your cards in the "real world — Problem solving and Brainstorming with your tarot cards
(56) Problem solving and brainstorming with the tarot
How to harness the power of Future Hindsight
(57) Harnessing the power of future hindsight
Brainstorming and Problem solving with the tarot
(58) Brainstorming and problem solving with the tarot
Tarot For Authors (EXCLUSIVE: Professional techniques just for authors and writers)
(59) Tarot for authors (techniques and spreads)
EXCLUSIVE: "Brian's exercise" — How the REAL PROS give the very best readings
(60) Brian’s exercise (index card techniques/designing spreads and decks)
Review of Tarot for Author techniques and Brian's exercise
(61) [Bonus Lesson] Tarot exercises for authors and Brian’s Exercise
We predict Donald J. Trumps election several months before it happens
(62) Trump’s presidential campaign by the numbers
Tarot Manifestation for your clients: Morals and Ethics lesson
[Bonus Lesson] TM 103 + morals and ethics lecture
This is how the PROs get 3–5 times more information from a spread than 90+% of all tarot readers in the world (FACT)
[Bonus Lesson] This is how we do it.
Wrapping it all up
(63) [Bonus Lesson] Saying our goodbyes
Section 5: Module 8: — POST COURSE LESSONS — How to use all of this stuff in real life (and random advanced lessons)
(PCL 1) Intro, what to expect over the next several weeks, and timing spreads
Advanced techniques using the RA spread
(PCL 2) Long lesson. Intro to RA spread (redux) and then a LOT of RA secrets. Stick around to the end, or break this into two viewing sessions. The last parts are critical and should not be missed.
EXCLUSIVE: Aphrodite's Book of Secrets (not available anywhere in the world)
(PCL 3) ABoS Primer
How to get Clients
(PCL 4) Clients (part 1): How and where to get them on the cheap!
More RA spread secrets that will make you BETTER than any tarot reader you ever meet—anywhere in the world
(PCL 5) RA spread secrets (part 2): Lots of info on polarities, some on qualities (but not by name), and a bit on elements.
Watch us do it: LIVE RA spread for a student (unrehearsed) PART 1
(PCL 6) Real-life RA spread for student. Unrehearsed and completely on-the-fly with LOTS of commentary and lesson material: PART 1 of 2. Next part will be next week.
Watch us do it: LIVE RA spread for a student (unrehearsed) PART 2
(PCL 7) Real-life RA spread for student. Unrehearsed and completely on-the-fly with LOTS of commentary and lesson material: PART 2 of 2.
How to get high net worth clients
(PCL 8) Clients (part 2): How to catch a whale!
How to get LOTS of clients
(PCL 9) Clients (part 3): How to get LOTS of people to read for
Lesson on the Art of Prediction
(PCL 10) The art of prediction (part 1): On the fly safely advice (practice and example).
Practice week (games and exercises)
(PCL 11) Live practice of a few exercises and games
Manifesting made easy (special advanced series—NOT for beginners)
(PCL 12) Manifesting Made Easy! (first in a series) – Baby steps
Manifesting made easy (special advanced series—part 2)
(PCL 13) “Real-life” manifestation (watch and then do it yourself) Part 2
Manifesting made easy (special advanced series—part 3)
(PCL 14) “Real-life” manifestation (watch and then do it yourself) Part 3
The True Celtic Cross Spread and why it is better than any other version of this spread
(PCL 15) Real-world example of the True Celtic Cross spread (highly detailed)
How Dusty White does an RA spread (part 1)
(PCL 16) How *I* do a RA manifestation (part 1)
How Dusty White does an RA spread (part 2)
(PCL 17) How *I* do a RA manifestation (part 2)
How Dusty White does an RA spread (part 3)
(PCL 18) How *I* do a RA manifestation (part 3)
How to win elections (for your clients) using your tarot cards (How much do you think THAT is worth?)
(PCL 19) The most dangerous lesson yet (watch at your own risk)
EXCLUSIVE: A peek inside of Aphrodite's Book of Secrets — Bubble technique (manifestation secrets)
(PCL 20) Six degrees of Bubbles (insanely powerful tarot technique in action)
We reveal a few of the hidden spread in the RA spread today
(PCL 22) A few hidden spreads of the Roundabout spread (heavy duty astrological stuff made easy!)
Clients: How to make REAL money with your tarot cards
(PCL 23) How to make real money reading cards
Real World Tarot Application (the Olympics): Hidden Spreads in the RA
(PCL 24) Rio Olympics (hidden spreads in the RA)
What is REALLY going on behind the scenes of Brexit? Watch us find out
(PCL 25) “Brexit” and the technique of building pre-spreads
Q&A session: Blind readings and more
(PCL 26) Just a Q&A discussion starting with clients who demand blind readings
How we can best serve the needs of the public with our advanced skills
(PCL 27) RA spread on Dallas, and the lesson of how we can best serve the public
EXCLUSIVE: (ABoS) Manifestation secrets from people who get results—not more "New Age" bullshit methods
(PCL 28) Manifestation Secrets From The Real Professionals
Short Q&A (practice week)
(PCL 29) Just a short Q&A today
Who knows what we talked about today?
(PCL 30) Post-course lessons and get togethers
Ancillary stuff
(PCL 31) ancillary stuff
[Bonus Lesson] TM 103 + morals and ethics lecture
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